Why Is ABOTA Getting An Exclusive Offer?
Non-Attorney partnerships have changed the landscape of legal marketing…probably forever. There are millions of dollars flowing into law firms but that doesn’t mean that everyone is going to get the representation they deserve. As an ABOTA member we know that you are an extremely qualified lawyer. Our agency wants to make sure that people who need the best representation actually get it.
Who We Are
We are a team of high caliber marketing experts out of Silicon Valley. Our team has been forged in the battle for dominance in RideShare, Food Delivery and Fitness. It is in no small part that you know the names Uber, InstaCart, Peloton and Blue Apron because of the work our team has done over the past decade.
Our sights are now set on the legal market and we’d like to partner with a few select attorneys to help them bring in qualified cases.

What We Do
Legal Marketing has frankly become embarrassing at times. Creatives using dollar bills and stock images that show a blatant disrespect for the clients that truly need help. Our team treats every step of the marketing process with the respect it deserves. That starts with a creative ad that informs the audience instead of insulting their intelligence. Messaging that educates and informs instead of teasing them with gratuitous images of money. A user experience that is simple, logical and efficient. Not, an impediment to getting the help they need.
Why It Works
Showing the right ad, to the right person, at the right time is a fundamental tenant of digital marketing. Our team has managed over a billion dollars in ad spend in order to streamline every step of the conversion process. Every step of the process is as important as the one before and the one after. That includes:
- Targeting
- Creative
- Messaging
- Ease of Intake
- Retainer Signing
When you focus on all of the little things, the big things come into focus.